Fresh start for a new year

New Year’s Day has to be one of my favourite days of the year. That feeling of turning the page and seeing what opportunities will present themselves in the year ahead. The beginning of a new year is also when I like to take stock, get organized, and clean out all the nooks and crannies in my home. I know - spring cleaning in winter? Maybe its a little early, but this is something I have done for many years - I guess you could say its a little ritual.

Taking the time to get rid of unwanted items or things I no longer use helps me control the clutter in my home and gives me a greater sense of space and calm. Cleaning out those empty drawers, cabinets and closets before putting stuff back in feels pretty good too. It’s a good time to make note of any new organizing supplies that are needed or minor repairs that need to be done. That sticky latch that drives you crazy every time you struggle with it? Get it fixed! There might be some areas where nothing needs to go and that’s okay. If your current stock of bed linens and towels is just what you need, then no need to pare down (or buy more).

Something that’s really key for me after the sorting and cleaning process is complete is getting rid of any unwanted items right away. No chance to go through those bags and boxes ready for donation again - we have already decided that those items no longer serve us and can go to a new home. It feels good to load up the care with things for my local charitable organization or even bring a few items in to my favourite consignment shop.

When the process is complete, I feel ready for the new year - whatever it may bring. It feels good to know my home is tidy and feeling fresh and clean. Sometimes I even take a few minutes to stop and appreciate this place I call home - somewhere to rest, relax and enjoy life.


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